What is Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery?

Human trafficking is the exploitation of people for labor, sexual, or commercial gain. Modern slavery is a broader term that encompasses human trafficking, as well as other forms of forced labor, servitude, child labour, bonded labour, forced marriage, child marriage, forced prostitution, child pornography and any other slavery-like practices.

What are the signs of Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery?

There are many signs that someone may be a victim of human trafficking or modern slavery. These signs can include:

    • They are unable to leave their work or living situation.
    • They are not allowed to keep their own money or identification documents.
    • They are threatened with violence or deportation if they do not obey.
    • They have been forced to work long hours in dangerous or unhealthy conditions.
    • They have been subjected to physical or sexual abuse.

What can I do if I suspect Human Trafficking or Modern Slavery?

If you suspect that someone is a victim of human trafficking or modern slavery, there are a few things you can do:

  • Report your suspicions to the authorities. You can contact your local police department.
  • Offer to help the victim. This could include providing them with food, shelter, or emotional support.
  • Educate yourself about human trafficking and modern slavery.  The more you know, the better equipped you will be to help victims.

How can I prevent Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery?

There are a number of things that can be done to prevent human trafficking and modern slavery. These include:

  • Educating the public about the issue. The more people know about human trafficking and modern slavery, the less likely they are to be complicit in it.
  • Holding businesses accountable. Businesses should be required to take steps to prevent human trafficking and modern slavery in their supply chains.
  • Supporting organizations that are working to fight human trafficking and modern slavery. There are many organizations that are working to combat this issue, and your support can make a difference.

Modern Slavery can be dubbed as the modern-day "cardinal sin", carried out by one human being on another human being. By being aware of the signs of human trafficking and modern slavery, and by taking steps to prevent it, we can help to make a difference in the lives of victims and to create a more just and equitable world. VNVNEPAL is resolutely committed to take action against any entity or individual within its supply chain found to be involved in any form of human trafficking and modern slavery. We pledge our allegiance to human rights and dignity of each and every individual, let alone migrant workers, we come across. Please contact us for more information on VNVNEPAL Modern Slavery Act.